A selection of Days that HRRCC have been invited too...Hosted...Exhibited at...Attended
...Gate Crashed...

Below is a selection of Highlighted Events in the 'Modern MINI Years' Social History of HRRCC...
As a pro-active 'Full Throttle' Business, We attend a varied array of dates throughout the Year...from Show & Shine, village weekday Classic Car Events, Race Days, Invite only affairs plus Our Own Private HRRCC Events...

Back End of 2021

At the end of a very difficult two Years for Events, We tried to cram in as much as possible...!! Attending those which We only deemed were 'Sensibly Safe'...For the 2nd Year in over a decade, We didn't attend The Classic Car Show @ the NEC...that's how dire it all was...anyway, here's a few of Our Finest moments...

MINI 20th Anniversay...

On the 4th of September 2021, HRRCC were invited to 'Join the Party' at the MINI Plant in Oxford to Celebrate 20 Years of Modern MINI production.

As We had a just finished Our 2001(51 Reg) R50, HRRCC #2 - Build No. 1348 - this Pure Silver allowed us to participate in the Commemorative Event...

A very special day for the Business & an important Historical day  plus unrepeatable social History for HRRCC #2...

Caught on Camera

A Cheer for the Rear...

A cheeky shot captured by Our resident Media Executive, James Howard...
Lined up as the few '51 Reg. 2001 Built R50's that attended...
Ours was one of the earliest '51's on the day & probably the most Sporty...!!

Commemorative Pic... 

You can see HRRCC #2 as the final car in the letter 'N' with the double Racing stripe on the Co-Pilot's side of the bonnet...

Some of the 2001 '51 Reg. R50's... 

HRRCC #2 with a couple of its old 'Stable Mates'...Happy days !!-
Behind Us is the building Housing the MINI Motor Museum - well worth a visit & Guided Tour...

JCW National Day - 2021
British Motor Museum

...An Entertaining Event...

The HRRCC Stand...

The 1st ever Modern MINI only Event & inaugural JCW National Day, We Were the only Business allowed to Advertise that day...may have had something to do with the fact that We spent 6 weeks promoting this marvellous  creation by Steve Gamblen.

At the time HRRCC had only Built 2 R50's, which We exhibited on Our stand, so fantastic Friends of Ours 'bulked up' Our Display with an F56 JCW, Classic style Red R50, an Astro Black R53 plus an R52 JCW, also in Black...Happy days..  

Frank, Ian & Harry...

We had the pleasure of a great conversation with Frank Stephenson - the Designer of the R50 MINI...!!
Marking the amazing day with a 'Keeper' of a photograph with The Great Man Himself...a true Gentleman ...

A fantastic Success..

There was a phenomenal attendance, far exceeding expectations, which created a superb buzz around the outside of the Motor Museum.

With 50 JCW's chosen especially to display on the lawned area & the HRRCC 'Gang' on the other side of the pavement, We were truly in the thick of things..!!

One of the 1st 'Live' Events to wholeheartedly take place after nearly 2 years, it was superb to put faces to telephone voices & keyboard messages...!!  

Shelsey Walsh - Cars in the Valley...

A Cheeky Thursday Night...

A wonderful drive over in HRRCC #1 for a mesmerising, relaxed & memorable night...parking in 'The Paddocks' - glorious atmosphere - 0% beer from 'The Barn' and of course some fantastic Motors...Can't wait to return for some Hillclimb Action...

In The Paddocks

April 9th 2022

A Private Tour of the Original Cooper Car Co. in Surbiton, no less...

The Original Building for the design & construction F1 Coopers in the 60's
Bruce McLaren & Jack Brabham were apprentices there... 
Still houses a Trophy Wining Race Team - Charles Ivey Porsche 

On Top of the Iconic Building...

It felt more like being on top of the World...such an honour & a privilege to be stood where once the greats of the Racing World would have a cup of tea..!!

Chris Dawson - Coopers Service Manager for 25 years - talked Us enigmatically through all areas of the building, plus, a few at a time We were given a Guided Tour of John Coopers Office, which is still wood panellled as it was in the 60's..!!
A mesmerising place, steeped in History...and being well cared for today by The Owners of Charles Ivey Porsche, headed buy one of Ivey's Original Apprentices & His Son...absolutely fantastic..!! 

Whilst 'Down South'...

So We thought We'd make a 'Dad & Lad' Weekend of it, staying in Berkshire. Early start on the Saturday to Detail HRRCC #4 before setting off to Surbiton...Our 'Grand Day Out' ahead of Us...with a Convoy Meeting Point a few miles out from Coopers.

On Our Way Home...
Caffeine & Machine

A Superb Experience...

So, after Our belter of a day on the Saturday, up early again for to zoom to C & M for the first time ever...rather exciting!!Sunday 09 - 12 was Our ticket allocation, the most glorious drive up the old A40 from High Wycombe, through Woodstock to Warwickshire...

Pride of Place...

"Pop it out the Front" the Chap said...so I did..!!
Got some great shots... considering it had covered 150 miles & an overnight stay since it was last cleaned...

Soaking Up The Atmosphere...

Another first for Us...been trying to get there for about 3 years..!! Great idea...superb set up...

...And then into Burghley House TVR Show...

HRRCC Private Event

A Gathering of Friends
...Old & New...

Our 1st Event of 2022, held in the Spring,  saw HRRCC trialing a New Venue... This small Private Country Estate that also house a Corporate HQ, belongs to a long standing Associate of Ours, that kindly allowed Us access to 'The Barn' & surrounding area to hold a low-key, invite only 'Coffee Morning Meet'. It enabled Us to showcase Our latest Builds & cement friendships with new folks...!!
A roaring success with glorious homemade cakes, biscuits  & 
accoutrements for the drive out...Great little atmosphere & jolly times were had...

We're hoping to hold a larger Event in the Summer, now that We know the site works so easily & so well...

Just for Fun...

Ready for the hour plus drive out around the Leicestershire Countryside, before stopping at a Local Pub for a beer, debrief & lunch in the Private Dining Room...

British Mini Club
Himley Hall
Show & Shine

A Superb Event - Thoroughly Enjoyable Day...

Our First ever B.M.C. Event...What a corker...!!The last time I showed a car was in the early 90's & it was My 1980 850cc Mini repainted in Ford Diamond White with a gloss black roof...Years ago..
This time We were in Our delectable British Racing Green R50 - the unmistakeable HRRCC #4... 

Pride of Place.....Front Row Position...!!

There was an absolutely superb display of Mini's & MINI's across the lawns on the misty & fresh Sunday morning...
Some great 'Stable Mates' around Us for banter & mutual appreciation, as We all tickled up Our cars in anticipation of a great day ahead...and of course, the Judges...
After a damp start, drying towels started to appear as the sun crept through...action stations again for Round 2 of waxing in the hope of impressing anyone that came near..!!
Lots of great compliments about the workmanship & style of HRRCC #4, some brilliant conversations & new Friends made...All in all, a very successful day...